Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day Schmalentine's Day

I saw one of my Facebook friends, Ema, post this on her page and thought I would do it over here on my blog in honor of Valentine's Day.

Who's older? Him

Who was interested first? Him

How long have you been together? 14 years in August

Married? Yes

More sarcastic? it's a toss up - we're both sarcastic buttheads

Who makes the most mess? Me

Who has more tattoos? him by far

Better singer? LOL

Hogs the remote? neither of us really 

Better driver? hmm...interesting...i'd say we're even. though he's taken defensive driving classes through the Army so maybe him?

Spends the most? Him

Who is smarter: depends on the subject - we balance each other out 

Most common sense? I think we're pretty evenly matched here as well.

What are your middle names? Michael and Anne

Whose siblings do you see the most? Toss up

Do you have any children together? Melanie and Isabella

Did you go to the same school? Nope

Who is the most sensitive? Me.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Mark's Feed Store

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together? Ireland

Who has the craziest exes? Me.

Who has the worst temper? We both can make each other pretty damn mad.

Who does the cooking? Me.

Who is more social? Him by 1049%

Who is the neat freak? Him

Who is the most stubborn? Me - I am a Taurus after all.

Who hogs the bed? HIM

Who wakes up earlier? depends on the day but usually me.

Where was your first date? chinese restaurant

Who has the bigger family? Him

Do you get flowers often? Not really

Who does the laundry? both of us - but obviously when he's gone - me.

Who's better with the computers? him

Who drives when you are together? Him 90% of the time

Who picks where you go to dinner? 50/50

Who wears the pants in the relationship? hmmmm....50/50

Who eats more sweets? Him

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