Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year's Attempts

I'm not one to normally make New Year's resolutions. Mostly because I know I won't follow through with them and will feel even worse about myself than I already do.

This year I've decided to make a list of things I will make an effort to do. I'm not calling them resolutions. Maybe I'm just fooling myself but it makes me feel better not to call them resolutions.

1. Make more eye contact. I hate looking people in the eyes. I think that I am so ugly that I am ashamed to look at people. I hate meeting Ryan's friends because I'm ashamed of myself and don't want to embarrass him. I avoid a lot of things because I just don't want to be seen. I'm tired of missing out on life because of it.

2. Make a real effort at yoga. I have dabbled and made half-hearted attempts but other than one yoga class, never really tried. I am probably too fat and too uncoordinated to do most of it, but I'm going to try anyway.

3. Use my camera more. I have a nice, expensive camera that sits in its bag collecting dust. I really enjoy taking photos and can be halfway decent at it.

4. Bake/cook something I've never made before at least once a week. I have so many cookbooks and really need to expand my eating horizons.

5. Get at least 10k steps a day, at least 5 times a week. Things in motion, tend to stay in motion.

6. Focus on the positive more. My natural personality is to focus on what's wrong instead of what's right. Will need to re-wire my brain a bit on this one.

7. Blog more than once a year. I have started this blog over about once a year since 2011.

That's it. Nothing too outrageous or over the top. I think I once tried to give up cussing as my new year's resolution. Those who know me well know that was never going to happen. I definitely set myself up to fail on that one. I think the list above is doable. I'll be interested to see in a year's time, whether this list makes me roll my eyes or makes me think, hell yeah, I did that. Only time will tell.



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